Glasgow Warriors | Scotstoun move for Glasgow

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April 15, 2009

Scotstoun move for Glasgow

Posted by Editor on April 15, 2009 10:54 AM | 10 comments | Print | E-mail author

Sean Lineen checks out the developments at Scotstoun
Following last week’s news that Glasgow Warriors will continue to play their home games at Firhill for the next five years, Warriors head coach, Sean Lineen, today visited the site of the Scotstoun sports complex, currently under redevelopment, to check out where he will hone his squad from June 2010.

In a new partnership deal confirmed today between Scottish Rugby, Glasgow City Council and Culture and Sport Glasgow, the new complex will be the training base of the city’s only professional rugby team and will also become a centre of excellence for rugby and a hub for rugby development as part of the Glasgow City development plan for the sport.

Sean said: “Our proposed move to Scotstoun in June 2010 will provide the club with a home for its players, coaches and staff in a location where they have all the facilities they require. We will, however, continue to play our home matches at Firhill’’.

Scottish Rugby’s Director of Communications and Public Affairs, Dominic McKay added: “Scottish Rugby has shown that it is fully committed to rugby in Glasgow and we look forward to working alongside Culture and Sport Glasgow and Glasgow City Council to help the region fully embrace the Warriors and the sport of rugby throughout the wider community.”

The £17.6 million redevelopment of Scotstoun Stadium is due to be completed in the autumn - and a £1.3 million extension of the adjoining Leisure Centre will be completed at the end of the year. The new facilities will include new grandstands, indoor athletics training facilities, refurbishment of the outdoor 400 metre athletics track and in the centre, an extension of the cafe, reception and foyer areas and new fitness suite facilities.

Sean, added: “The plans for Scotstoun look fantastic. It’s a world class facility and I’m delighted it will be the new training base of Glasgow Warriors.

“We are a club on the up and to have direct access to both grass pitches and an all-weather surface here in addition to all strength, conditioning and medical facilities is a major boost to our future ambitions. We have world class players here and we will soon have the facilities to match.”

Culture and Sport Glasgow, along with Scottish Rugby, has been developing a wider partnership and this announcement for Glasgow Warriors is the first initiative in this new relationship.

Culture and Sport Glasgow and Scottish Rugby will continue to work together to ensure that the sport of rugby is promoted extensively across Glasgow in the build up to the Commonwealth Games in 2014 – where rugby sevens will be a core sport – and beyond.

As a result, Glasgow Warriors will have greater access to community sports development with access to the 20,000 members of the Glasgow Club - Scotland's biggest health and fitness club.

Councillor Archie Graham, Executive Member for Commonwealth Games delivery at Glasgow City Council, also added his name to the list of ringing endorsements for Scottish Rugby’s investment in Scotstoun as he and the city gears up for the Commonwealth Games in 2014.

He said. “I have no doubt that this partnership will be good for Glasgow rugby and good for our plans to develop sport at elite and grass-roots level in the run-up to hosting the Games in 2014."

The facilities that the Warriors will have access to at Scotstoun include: A grass training pitch, a 3G all-weather training pitch, a state-of-the-art strength and conditioning suite, a 100m indoor running track, office space, a physiotherapy/medical suite, changing rooms, a players’ lounge and a meeting/video analysis room.

Posted by Hugues on April 15, 2009 06:23 PM | Reply to this comment


Posted by maninfrontoftheposts on April 15, 2009 08:20 PM | Reply to this comment

I disagree...... i think this is bad news for the team. More upheaval for thm, get thm based sumwhere and let thm stay there.

Posted by G-rock on April 15, 2009 08:33 PM | Reply to this comment

Really? You think it's less hassle to flit from Whitecraigs to the Palace of Arts to Firhill to Murray Park daily/weekly?

Posted by warrior_dave on April 16, 2009 11:28 AM | Reply to this comment

How can this be anything other than good news. A base with world class facilities for the team to train and prepare as well as office and medical space for the rest of the organisation. It's getting closer to a professional outfit. Almost importantly access to 20,000 people through the Glasgow Club membership. If these members see the team training day in, day out maybe a few will start coming along to the games, especially if they are advertised within the leisure centre.

Posted by neilmacd74 on April 15, 2009 08:35 PM | Reply to this comment

Makes total sense to have the team training somewhere where tehy can access everything they need without having to traipse around the city.
At the mo they train at Whitecraigs 2 days a week then spend time at Bellahouston, Greens Gym and various other locations and very occasionally get shipped to Murray Park to train.
At Scotstoun they'll have everything they need to prepare ina professional environment so let's hope that comes across in the performances on the pitch.

Posted by manattheback on April 16, 2009 07:30 AM | Reply to this comment

Professional team NEEDS professional facilities and Whitecraigs was certainly not that - players leaving after training dirty because showers not working - come on! I might rip into them for not having a great attitude but they at least deserve that. Hopefully the whole of Glasgow rugby will prosper now and Age Grade teams will be able to use 3rd/4th generation pitches as well. After all that's where the future lies.

Posted by Muzzer_mc on April 16, 2009 11:54 AM | Reply to this comment

Good News. As has been said having everything in one place will make it a Warriors HQ with Firhill as the battlefield!

Would the Warriors be able to use the Stadium? I know that they have just signed up a good deal with Firhill for next 5 years. But could use the Stadium/Grounds for the back up team etc?

Posted by Muzzer_mc on April 16, 2009 12:26 PM | Reply to this comment

Never mind. Just read the article in the Scotsman and it says the stadium would be used for back up and Scotland Age grade games.

Posted by mzungu on April 17, 2009 05:44 PM | Reply to this comment

"Culture and Sport Glasgow, along with Scottish Rugby, has been developing a wider partnership and this announcement for Glasgow Warriors is the first initiative in this new relationship."

This is intruging..does this mean Glasgow City will promote rugby in schools? Maybe even bring an Autumn International or two back to Glasgow? It would be fantastic if kids in Glasgow got into rugby- for the Warriors and for Scotland!

Great news bout Scotstoun though!

Posted by paul north on April 19, 2009 04:14 AM | Reply to this comment

This is nothing but good news for the warriors, at lasat they will have a proper training base, it will be a professional set up.

I think the SRU, Partick Thistle, Scottish Executive and Glasgow City Council should look into a joint partnership to redevelop Firhill into a 20,000 all seater stadium that is used for Football and Rugby for the future of elite sports in Glasgow.

There is no reason why Glasgow should not have a world class professional rugby team playing in front of ten thousand paying spectators weke in week out and attracting some fo the biggest names in world rugby to play for them.

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