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November 16, 2003

Killer instinct needed

Posted by Editor on November 16, 2003 04:47 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Graeme Morrison says Glasgow must start turning pressure into points
Graeme Morrison looked back on Glasgow's 20-13 Celtic Cup semi-final defeat by Ulster and admitted: "We weren't clinical enough.''

Glasgow enjoyed territorial advantage in the first half but failed to turn pressure into points. And centre Morrison, who scored a consolation touchdown, said his team will continue to struggle until they develop a killer touch.

He said: "We had worked really hard on getting our game back up but it really didn't come off. In the first half we played really well but died off a bit in the second half and let them into the game. We made far too many unforced errors and they punished us to the full.''

Graeme added: "With only a score separating us throughout the game we always thought we were in with a chance. The effort was there but the finishing skills couldn't match the build-up work.''

In today's Scotland on Sunday, Norman Mair looks back on Glasgow's defeat to Ulster in the Celtic Cup semi-final.

Glasgow's Kenny Sinclair scored a try as he helped Ayr to a 22-18 win over Melrose at Millbrae. Alan Bulloch turned out at full-back for GHA but couldn't help them avoid a 13-10 home defeat to Hawick and Mark McMillan made a second-half appearance for Stirling County in their 42-16 victory at Peebles.


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