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November 19, 2003

Third place for Cammy 19 November

Posted by Editor on November 19, 2003 03:14 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Cammy Mather took third place in the Scotland Player of the Tornamant Awards
Glasgow captain Cammy Mather was named in third place in the RWC Scotland Player of the Tournament Awards sponsored by The Famous Grouse.

He played in only three World Cup games after flying out as an emergency replacement for Andy Mower.

Chris Paterson was named top player with Simon Danielli runner-up. Stuart Grimes and Glasgow's Glenn Metcalfe were joint fourth.

Former Glasgow centre James McLaren has admitted his chances of playing for Scotland again are slim because of his decision to kick-start his club career in the far south of France. McLaren has pledged his immediate future to unfashionable Bayonne after failing to clinch a new deal with cash-strapped Begles-Bordeaux and a possible return to Glasgow fell through.

He fears his remote base will count against him when new national coach Matt Williams picks his provisional squad for the build-up to the Six Nations Championship. McLaren, who picked up the last of his 30 caps in the quarter final defeat by Australia in Brisbane, declared: "It is a situation I have been in before when I first went to France and I have to accept it.

"My family comes first and moving to the Biarritz area was the best option for everyone. If the penalty for that is not being under the eyes of the Scotland selectors, then so be it."

"I will never officially retire from the Test scene, so my future at that level is entirely up to the Scotland management."


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