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September 14, 2004

Trip to Toulouse

Posted by Editor on September 14, 2004 09:51 AM | One comment | Print | E-mail author
Glasgow Warriors have released details of the supporters' trip to Toulouse at the end of October.

2 Night Package: £310 per person 3 Night Package: £350 per person Single Room Supplement: £60 per person

Price includes:

  • Return Air Tickets Glasgow - Gatwick - Toulouse with BA or KLM
  • 2 or 3 nights accommodation (including buffet breakfast) at the Novotel Toulouse Centre

Prices subject to Air Fare cost at time of booking - flights are very busy

  • No airport / match transfers included
  • Accommodation only available at Novotel Toulouse
  • £40 per person per night sharing twin room
  • £70 per person per night single room

Anyone interested should contact Ben Lawries Travel on 0131 555 5888.

Posted by Big Blue on September 14, 2004 12:50 PM | Reply to this comment

If you havn't watched Glasgow in Europe before, get booked up now. It is always a great weekend. Fun for all the family. Full guided tour of the lingerie shops of Toulouse by a member of the Glasgow Rugby staff. Excellent taxi service back to your hotel should you decide to get to sleep just that bit earlier than everyone else. Hotel will be a member of a national chain to ensure you find somewhere to stay for the night. Full photographic record of your every move posted on the internet as a souvenir of your trip.

Joking aside, if you havn't been before, take this opportunity to support the guys and see one of the top sides in Europe play in front of their fanatical support.

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