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September 16, 2004

Edinburgh squad to face Glasgow

Posted by Editor on September 16, 2004 12:34 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author
Injury concerns mean Edinburgh coach Frank Hadden is unable to confirm his starting side for the game with Glasgow at Old Anniesland on Saturday (ko 7.30pm).

"We've selected a pack for Saturday's game and as a result of Wednesday's training session I will now be picking the back line,” said Hadden. "Simon Webster, Brendan Laney, Marcus Di Rollo and Matt Dey have question marks over them and fitness tests will determine their availability."

Nathan Hines returns to the second row bringing the Edinburgh based side close to a full strength squad. "We are getting closer and closer to a clean bill of health and it appears as if our huge injury backlog is behind us. We are close to being able to select a team from strength," added Hadden.

Backs from: Derrick Lee, Hugo Southwell, Simon Webster, Michael Pyke, Craig Joiner, Brendan Laney, Marcus Di Rollo, Matt Dey, Chris Paterson, Phil Godman, Mike Blair, Rory Lawson

Forwards: Allan Jacobsen, A Kelly, Joel Brannigan; Nathan Hines, Scott Murray; Todd Blackadder, Simon Cross, Allister Hogg
Substitutes: Dougie Hall, Craig Smith, Alastair Kellock, David Callam plus three backs


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