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September 17, 2004

Edinburgh team for Inter-City match

Posted by Editor on September 17, 2004 12:20 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author
Edinburgh Rugby have announced their team to play Glasgow at Old Anniesland on Saturday (ko 7.30pm).


15 Hugo Southwell
14 Simon Webster
13 Brendan Laney
12 Craig Joiner
11 Chris Paterson
10 Phil Godman
9 Mike Blair

1 Allan Jacobsen
2 Andrew J Kelly
3 Joel Brannigan
4 Nathan Hines
5 Scott Murray
6 Todd Blackadder CAPTAIN
8 Allister Hogg
7 Simon Cross


16 Dougie Hall
17 Craig Smith
18 Alastair Kellock
19 David Callam
20 Rory Lawson
21 Paul Boston
22 Michael Pyke


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