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May 02, 2007

Last orders for Bevvy at Hughenden

Posted by Editor on May 2, 2007 09:29 PM | 3 comments | Print | E-mail author

Bevvy will be on the receiving end of the applause on Friday night
Graeme Beveridge will play his final game at Hughenden when Glasgow Warriors take on the Ospreys on Friday night.

It'll mark the end of an era as Graeme has been part of the Scottish pro rugby scene since the first batch of players were signed up in 1996.

In Thursday's Herald Graeme talks about the numerous changes in the pro set-up - four districts, two superteams, then a third side being reintroduced in the Borders, before being scrapped again recently.

Graeme will join up Guinness Premiership club Bristol next season but he sees good things ahead for Glasgow: "I am very sad to be leaving when it is going so well and some of the young guys are really coming through. I hope they have realised what it takes because the future looks really bright, particularly if they can get a regular home, which I know the SRU are working very hard on."

Bevvy admits there will be some emotion on this final Hughenden home appearance for now as the Ospreys visit. "I suppose that is inevitable, but all that is for after the match. Al Kellock tried to get me to lead out the team on my 150th appearance against Edinburgh, but I wasn't for that and I won't be doing that this time either.

"You can do all that stuff then fall flat on your face, so hopefully we can put in a performance that will ensure everyone is in the mood to enjoy themselves afterwards."

Posted by Moody Blue on May 3, 2007 08:22 AM | Reply to this comment

Bevvy was one of the players who played 10 years ago in the first season of European competition after the game went Pro. According to the line ups on the ERC website 95 players turned out for 4 Scottish districts that year. 4 other players who played that year are still playing pro rugby - Duncan Hodge, Barry Stewart, Tom Smith and Stuart Grimes. A few are still playing in the club game, including Kevin McKenzie who'll be at Murrayfield this weekend. A good number are involved in coaching, including Shade Munro, Peter Wright, Bryan Redpath and Carl Hogg. Two of the more interesting names to appear are Malcolm Changeling, now refereeing, and Alex Carruthers, Caledonia's regular centre that year and now Edinburgh Co-owner! Well Done Bevvy.

Posted by hannah on May 3, 2007 03:58 PM | Reply to this comment

Good Luck Bevvy. U have been a fantastic and stable scrum half and u will be missed by the boys and the fans.

Posted by Alan on May 3, 2007 09:55 PM | Reply to this comment

Bevvy is the total professional on and off the field. In all his years at Glasgow, he has always acknowledged the fans ..thank you. He came out this year to prove a point and has started every game. No wonder he has been snapped up by Bristol ..our loss and their gain. Haste ye back!

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