Glasgow Warriors | New deal for Dan Parks

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May 26, 2009

New deal for Dan Parks

Posted by Editor on May 26, 2009 12:21 PM | 16 comments | Print | E-mail author

Dan Parks will stay with the Warriors
Glasgow coach Sean Lineen has backed Dan Parks to return stronger after the stand-off agreed a new two-year deal with the Warriors.

There was a question mark over Dan's career in Glasgow after he was fined £3000 and banned from driving for 18 months for a drink-driving offence.

However, Dan will be given the chance to reclaim a starting jersey having been left out of contention for the final five games of the season.

Sean said in the Evening Times: "What the Glasgow fans need to know is that Dan Parks loves the Warriors.

"He made a mistake, but will be back next season more determined than ever.

"The player knows he faces competition for the stand-off jersey from Ruaridh Jackson, but I'm confident he will rise to that.

"Dan has had a tough time, on and off the pitch in the last season, but he is a strong character. I believe he will put this all behind him."

Despite his disappointing season on the field for Warriors, when his kicking percentages dropped from 75% to below 60%, Dan still ended up as the Magners League's leading points scorer.

Posted by elmo on May 26, 2009 03:37 PM | Reply to this comment

why? we had the chance to get rid of him and now we let him back in. he might be the magners league top points scorer but when all you do is kick or go for drp goals or scored from being first receiver on the set piece, ud expect nothing less than that. he is a waste of time. bring in the young boys and let them get a shot at it. we dont need dan.

Posted by ballinj on May 27, 2009 11:06 AM | Reply to this comment

if all he can do is kick then why is he the top try scoring no.10 in the magners league and in the previous season 6th highest try scorer?

Posted by andrew on May 26, 2009 03:41 PM | Reply to this comment

brilliant news. last season has not been the best for dan but lets all hope thats a thing of the past. looking forward to him being back to his best next year. great news for jackson also, as he will only get better playing/training alongside parks.

Posted by Neil Malcolm on May 26, 2009 03:42 PM | Reply to this comment

worst shout ever...

Posted by RJG on May 26, 2009 03:56 PM | Reply to this comment

Great news.

I can't believe that we have "fans" suggesting this is a bad thing. Surely a fit and committed, experienced No 10, who is also a proven goal kicker will benefit the Warriors and assist in Jacksons development?

Remember we lost at least a dozen league points last year just through failing to take points from makeable kicks.

If Parks hadn't signed, then we would have been looking at another 10 to replace him, because there is no other alternative (no offence to Colin Gregor) on the books.

Make a constructive suggestion or get lost. There is no point in posting "Dan Parks is rubbish" unless you can come up with a better alternative.

Posted by j on May 26, 2009 04:01 PM | Reply to this comment

brilliant news

Posted by jimbop on May 26, 2009 08:50 PM | Reply to this comment

Fantastic news. Dan still has the backing of the vast majority of Warriors fans. Those who think we are better off without him could not have been at the Connacht game.

Posted by Derek on May 26, 2009 08:56 PM | Reply to this comment

Excellent News!!!

Posted by sunday5 on May 26, 2009 09:03 PM | Reply to this comment

Fantastic news for the Club, the Fans and Dan himself. He's a great player and fully deserves our support. Lets get behind him next season 100% and show him we have faith in him He's a confidence player and with our help he can be better than ever.

Well done Dan! Welcome back!

Posted by JT on May 27, 2009 11:46 AM | Reply to this comment

Could'nt agree more, fantastic player, great news Dan's
re-signed looking forward to next season

Posted by vicki on May 27, 2009 06:34 PM | Reply to this comment

Really pleased Dan's staying with us. He hasn't had his best season with us (on and off the pitch) so I hope the confident Dan of previous seasons comes back after the summer refreshed, healed and raring to go!

Posted by smiler on May 27, 2009 10:32 PM | Reply to this comment

Hooray!!!! Suppose I'd better get a season ticket now after all.

Posted by Alan on May 27, 2009 10:40 PM | Reply to this comment

Great news! I look forward to seeing Dan back fit and well after summer, having put troubles this year behind him, committed to helping the Warriors move forward, ready to prove his doubters wrong and show that he can once again be DAN THE MAN!!

Posted by Bradford on May 28, 2009 03:14 AM | Reply to this comment

Not sure if this deal is cut, and dried. Dan has been shabbily treated, and still may go elsewhere.

Posted by weebaw on May 28, 2009 11:32 AM | Reply to this comment

Oh no! This is not progress. But I dont know of an alternative. Lets hope Jackson gains much needed experience quickly.

Gregor played very well in the 2nd half against Connacht at 10. Perhaps we could have stuck with him there.

Posted by gnasher on May 28, 2009 09:42 PM | Reply to this comment

It is good news. Jackson still has a way to go yet. When Dan is playing well, Glasgow plays well. He's had a bad run of form been badly treated by Scotland. Have a good summer and come back ready to dispel the doubters.

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