Glasgow Warriors | Going West helps Richie make the step up

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July 30, 2009

Going West helps Richie make the step up

Posted by Editor on July 30, 2009 11:25 AM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Richie says his time with West has developed his game
Glasgow's Richie Gray spent most of last season playing with Premier One new boys West of Scotland.

And the big lock forward thinks playing under the guidance of former Scotland and British Lions number 8 John Beattie has helped him develop as a player.

Richie told the Glaswegian: "John is a great coach mainly because he is in touch with his players.

"He knows what makes each individual tick and knows how to play on our strengths and maximise them to the full.

"Plus he instills a confidence in you like never before. I know it has been commented that West should have lost a lot of games on paper but would end up getting a result.

"That was mainly down to him motivating us to get that extra 10 per cent of effort out of the team.

"Also, his hatred of losing is very contagious so we go all out to ensure that rarely happens.

"I think that comes from his time in the Scotland team which was a very good side that would compete very hard.

"Hopefully I can play for West again this season but if not, then it will mean that I'm doing something right if Sean Lineen wants me on Warriors duty."

Richie knows he has his work cut out to secure a starting berth at the Warriors. Ahead of him are skipper Al Kellock, Tim Barker and Dan Turner - although Richie himself is ready for the challenge.

He added: "Those guys are quality locks and there is no denying that it will be tough to get my claim in ahead of them.

"This is a massive stage of my career. All the time done playing as a youngster, playing in the club scene, getting into the Scotland under-20s, has all been focussed on this moment.

"I want to play regularly for the Warriors and now I have that chance, it is up to me to put in the hard do that.

"This week has been hellish. They've had us doing individual circuits of six miles running with various heavy items such as a log, a loaded stretcher and a heavy back pack.

"You end up getting pains in your aches but, I'm sure the extra strength built will help us."

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