Glasgow Warriors | Tough workout just what was needed

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August 13, 2009

Tough workout just what was needed

Posted by Editor on August 13, 2009 11:08 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Sean Lineen was pleased with Justin Va'a's form (Photo: Courtesy of Vincent -
Glasgow coach Sean Lineen says his squad's tough workout in France was exactly what he was after.

A 20-11 win over Stade Rochelais was followed by a 12-0 loss to the big names of Clermont Auvergne.

Sean said in the Glaswegian: "The French season starts next week so those two teams were effectively ready for the off while we are still preparing for ours.

"That was a deliberate move as we knew we would get two strong work-outs - especially in the contact area which as everybody knows, gave us cause for concern last year.

"I have to say I'm delighted with the effort and determination put in by all the guys - even those who didn't play as they put in a good shift in the training sessions that we had.

"I'm particularly pleased with the young guys like Pat MacArthur, Paul Burke, Jon Welsh and Peter Horne who all stood up to be counted.

"Regarding the senior players, Justin Va'a was back to his old self. He himself admits he didn't have the best of times last year but now he's champing at the bit which is great.

"Johnnie Beattie too. We had some issues with him last season but he know knows a fully focussed attitude is needed - which we have got so far - because not only does he want to get back into the Scotland set-up, he knows Richie Vernon has designs on his jersey.

"Johnny has the tools to succeed and I believe he can."

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