Glasgow Warriors | Dream start for Peter Murchie

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September 04, 2009

Dream start for Peter Murchie

Posted by Editor on September 4, 2009 02:28 PM | One comment | Print | E-mail author

Peter Murchie can't believe how quickly things have moved since joining Glasgow (Photo: Courtesy of Vincent -
Peter Murchie makes his first Magners League start for Glasgow tonight and the young centre says he can't believe how quickly things have moved since he joined the Warriors from London Welsh.

He told the Evening Times: "I guess you could say this is a dream start for me. When Sean signed me in the summer never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be lining up against Munster, the defending Magners League champions, and probably the best team in Europe over the last three seasons.

"Unfortunately my father won't be able to make it up from Ayrshire to see the game as he is ill, but my brother is flying up from London and there is no doubt about it - this represents the biggest moment of my rugby-playing career so far.

"People will be looking at what happens tonight at Firhill and drawing some conclusions from the result and we know that we can set down a marker for the season ahead if we can get off to a winning start, and especially so against Munster.

"We took a massive confidence boost from our win against Wasps last Friday and the belief is in the squad that we can do it against Munster.

"We know it will take a huge performance but it is one we are capable of. If the fans get behind us like they did against Wasps that is also going to be a big help.

"It is a big bonus for me that I have Graeme Morrison alongside me as his experience will provide a calming influence."

Another player wanting to take his chance tonight is stand-off Dan Parks. Dan gets the nod over Ruaridh Jackson after impressing in Glasgow's pre-season programme and will be hoping to put the disappointments of last season - on and off the field - behind him. “I’m very happy to be back in the side, delighted,” he told the Times. “There is more than just a point to prove. A lot of things happened last year that I would have preferred to have happened, but that is in the past. It is about moving on.

“I really missed not being involved at the end of last year, it really hurt me. It hit home how important rugby is to me, and how important Glasgow is to me. More than anything else I want to be back playing and doing what I really enjoy doing.”

On Dan's inclusion in his first Magners Leagie line-up of the season, Glasgow coach Sean Lineen said: “He knows there is unfinished business for him. By his own high standards there were a couple of blips for him last season but he has been outstanding. The guy has knuckled down. He is a Glasgow lad who wears his heart on his sleeve and he knows he is better than he was last season. He has come out all guns blazing, it is great to see."

Sean has also gone for form and attitude in the selection of young prop Jon Welsh. The former GHA man's hard work over the summer has been rewarded with a starting place against Munster. Sean said: “He has come in and held his hand up, demanding to be picked. As a coach that is what you dream of. I’m really impressed with him. He spent a year in the gym, getting fit and learning to understand the game. What a fantastic attitude he has - he’ll not let you down, he’s full on.”

Posted by sunday5 on September 4, 2009 06:04 PM | Reply to this comment

Good luck Dan, we're all behind you! Also looking forward to seeing Welsh getting stuck in again. He seems a bit of a hard nut. Not a bad thing in the front row!

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