Glasgow Warriors | Ayr win top-of-the-table clash

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November 07, 2009

Ayr win top-of-the-table clash

Posted by Editor on November 7, 2009 04:00 PM | 6 comments | Print | E-mail author

Frazier Climo helped Ayr to a win over Currie
The top of the table clash at Millbrae went the way of the home team as Ayr defeated Currie 21-7.

Ayr's points came from tries by Frazier Climo and Dougie Steele with Climo adding three penalties and a conversion.

Glasgow pro Chris Kinloch grabbed Currie's try.

Glasgow Hawks went down 33-10 to Dundee HSFP at Old Anniesland. Peter Jerecevich scored Hawks' only try with Duncan Weir adding the conversion and a penalty.

Hydro Electric Division One

Ayr 21 - Currie 7
Boroughmuir 29 - Stewart's Melville FP 18
Edinburgh Acads 14 - Melrose 17
Glasgow Hawks 10 - Dundee HSFP 33
Heriot's 21 - West of Scotland 24
Watsonians 30 - Selkirk 30

Posted by ballinj on November 8, 2009 03:37 PM | Reply to this comment

seriously why isn't one of the pro teams interested in Climo?

Posted by Moody Blue on November 8, 2009 04:45 PM | Reply to this comment

Seriously, one of the pro teams is interested in Climo; but he is from New Zealand and would only qualify for Scotland on residency grounds after 3 years. Why give a contract to someone until they are Scottish qualified? We have very few spaces available for pro's without giving one away to a non-qualified player who may be better than anything we have, but is not definitely yet. Everyone knows we are thin on the ground at 10 for Scottish players, but the next year or two may see a change in that - Ruaridh Jackson, Duncan Weir, Gregor Hunter, Alex Blair...could all be good to make it to International Level.

Posted by Derek on November 8, 2009 10:13 PM | Reply to this comment

I agree Moody Blue! The guy is a talent but at the moment he is not going to start for either Pro Team so why displace a young Scot from the backup positions?

Its the problem with only 2 pro teams!

Posted by Alan on November 10, 2009 11:07 PM | Reply to this comment

Well, actually, no, Derek .. it is the problem of not having any proper pro teams but 2 development teams for Scottish international team. If he could see us to the Magners title and HC final, I'd be happy but cannot happen anyway because that is not what we are about, unfortunately! .... and many fans seem to insist on only Scottish qualified players also despite the benefits of having Stortoni T-Bone Justin etc

Posted by Derek on November 11, 2009 09:01 PM | Reply to this comment

Can't argue with much of what you say. But in the current set up you can see my point surely?

As a Glasgow fan I agree if we were to win the HC, I would love it and if it meant we have 6 or 7 Non Scots in the team then so be it.

Until we have 3 or 4 teams like Wales and Ireland, we will be unable to balance the success of the pro teams with the development of the National team.

With only 2 teams its going to be virtually impossible for Edinburgh or Glasgow to win the HC and keep a strong national team.

Posted by ballinj on November 16, 2009 03:59 PM | Reply to this comment

i am sorry but surely it is just a case of a conversation "Fraser are you interested in playing for Scotland". If the answer is yes then start him off on a contract and get him fit enough to play at the pro level and take it from there.

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