Glasgow Warriors | Johnnie seeks consistency

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November 10, 2009

Johnnie seeks consistency

Posted by Editor on November 10, 2009 10:18 PM | 2 comments | Print | E-mail author

Johnnie Beattie has been in good form with Glasgow
Johnnie Beattie says he's working hard to find the consistency that's been missing from his game.

The backrow man's tendency to drift out of matches has limited his opportunities in a Scotland jersey - all the more frustrating as he's among the most naturally gifted players of his generation.

But a fine start to the season with Glasgow has propelled Johnnie into the Scotland XV selected by new coach Andy Robinson for Saturday's match with Fiji.

Johnnie told the Times: “I know I had to come in and work hard to force my way into the team. In seasons past I have been accused of being inconsistent, so it has been nice to string together a few positive performances in the early part of the season.

“Last year I was not as good as I should have been and it was disappointing. I put that to one side, looked at myself over the summer and tried to rectify things and change the way I play.

“The good things about playing now is that there is so much help there within the coaching set-up. There is not a lot of soul-searching, more thinking how you can do things differently, how you can get involved more. If you tinker with things and change them, you find it works for you.

"The thing I find hardest is to stay in the game as much as possible, always be ball-carrying, always be tackling, especially if you are not in a recognised receiver position, 10, 12 or 13.

“It is a challenge every game to go out and get the ball off these guys to be in the right position to receive the ball. This is my fifth season with Glasgow, I have been happy with the way things have been going and need to maintain what I have been trying to do.”

Posted by Alan on November 10, 2009 11:48 PM | Reply to this comment

Let's hope the AI's see Johnnie move on under Robinson to what we know he is capable of.

Posted by Osama bin Hidin on November 12, 2009 09:08 AM | Reply to this comment

Go Johnnie! You can do it!!!! GOOD LUCK.

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