Glasgow Warriors | Weekend round-up

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October 21, 2012

Weekend round-up

Posted by Editor on October 21, 2012 09:58 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Gordon Reid came off the bench to grab two tries
Two tries from Glasgow's Gordon Reid helped Ayr to a 51-5 win over Aberdeen at Millbrae.

James Eddie, Nick Campbell and George Hunter also featured as Ayr got back to winning ways in the Premiership after last week's defeat to Currie.

In the B&I Cup Taylor Paris played for Dundee in their 32-6 defeat to Cornish Pirates at Mayfield.

Former Glasgow prop Ben Prescott featured for the Cornishmen.

Fraser Thomson and Bruce Dick started for Melrose as they went down to a 29-14 defeat to Llandovery at the Greenyards.

Adam Ashe and Sean Kennedy started for Stirling County but were on the wrong end of an 87-10 thumping by Bedford.

Back in the Premiership Jonny Gray grabbed a try as Currie and Heriot's fought out a 27-27 draw at Goldenacre.