Glasgow Warriors | Glasgow must match Treviso hunger

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October 26, 2012

Glasgow must match Treviso hunger

Posted by Editor on October 26, 2012 01:45 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Robert Harley starts for Glasgow
Robert Harley has stressed the importance of the Warriors getting back to winning ways when they take on Treviso at the Stadio di Monigo.

The Scotstoun men have suffered successive setbacks in the Heineken Cup against Northampton and Ulster but they have the chance to make it five PRO12 wins in a row when they face the Italians.

Rob has recovered from a knee injury and returns to Glasgow's starting XV for the match, and the West Of Scotland man is not underestimating the size of the physical challenge the Treviso pack will provide.

Rob told the Evening Times: "There is no doubt about it that after two disappointing defeats, when we did not do ourselves justice, going to Treviso will be the ultimate test of our self-belief.

"Every time you play an Italian side it is a huge physical battle, and on their own soil they play with immense pride and passion.

"In the scrum and at the lineout they fight for every ball as if their lives depend on it, and we must match that hunger.

"Of late, our scrum has been very solid, and we dominated Cardiff in there, more than held our own at Northampton and I think shaded Ulster.

"But our lineout has not been as we would have hoped. Treviso are very strong off their line- out ball – like Ulster – so it is going to be vital we improve on their throw and, even more importantly, ours, from the Ulster defeat last week.

"If we don't, we will make things very difficult for ourselves and, on Italian soil, you want to give Treviso as little encouragement as possible."