Glasgow Warriors | George Square date for Warriors

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June 05, 2015

George Square date for Warriors

Posted by Editor on June 5, 2015 03:11 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Supporters will get the opportunity to celebrate the Warriors' PRO12 title success at an event in Glasgow next week.

Selected members of the Warriors squad, coaches and management team will be at George Square with the GUINNESS PRO12 trophy on Thursday 11 June at around 6pm, ahead of a Civic Reception in the City Chambers, which the club has been invited to that evening.

Supporters are encouraged to bring Warriors flags and get to George Square from 5.30pm to welcome the players, who will arrive on an open-top bus.

There will also be an opportunity for supporters to get pictures taken with the trophy.

Afterwards fans can congregate in Waxy O'Connor's to further reflect on the successful season.

Glasgow Warriors managing director, Nathan Bombrys said: "It's a huge honour to be attending a Civic Reception at the City Chambers and we're gratetful to the Rt Hon Lord Provost Councillor Sadie Docherty for the invitation.

"It will also give us an opportunity to share the trophy with our supporters and the City of Glasgow, who have been so instrumental in our success."

Lord Provost Sadie Docherty said: "Winning a league championship doesn’t happen by chance. It takes skill, hard work, commitment and consistency - qualities that the Warriors have shown all season.

"By becoming the first Scottish club to win the GUINNESS PRO12 the current Warriors side have ensured their place in the history books. Thursday is our chance to come out and celebrate their fantastic title-winning efforts."