Glasgow Warriors | Miller makes the most of his opportunity

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December 25, 2023

Miller makes the most of his opportunity

Posted by Editor on December 25, 2023 11:02 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Ally Miller has made the most of his recent opportunities
Ally Miller has been a standout performer in Glasgow's last couple of games, helping himself to a try in each of the wins over Bayonne and Edinburgh

It's been a timely reminder of what the back row man can do as his playing opportunities have been fairly limited since his move to Scotstoun from Edinburgh. Recent injuries to Jack Dempsey and Matt Fagerson saw Franco Smith give Miller an opportunity to start the Champions Cup match away to Bayonne and then at home to Edinburgh in the first leg of the 1872 Cup.

"It's been a big boost," confirmed Miller in The Scotsman. "You just try and do whatever you can through the week in training. I try to take a lot of responsibility during the week in the lineout. You want to wear the jersey as often as possible, so you do all you can to impress Franco in training. There have been a few knocks recently, so it's really just about taking your opportunity when it comes. Every minute you get on the pitch, you really need to make the most of it because it's such a competitive environment."

The 27 year-old showed an impressive turn of pace and a smart running line in his tries against Bayonne and Edinburgh. Miller credits some of that to his background as a Scotland 7s player that but says he won't be making a full-time switch from flanker to winger any time soon.

"No, not quite, I won't be playing there!" added Miller. "I don't quite have that pace yet. I was part of the 7s program for quite a while. I had a lot of fun there, developing my skills and my speed. It comes in useful. Glasgow want to spread the ball around, so my 7s background obviously helps me in that regard. I don't think about [scoring tries] too much, but I always back myself if I get into the right position. A little bit of space opened up for me against Edinburgh so I was happy to take it."

Miller's try contributed to Glasgow's aggregate lead of 12 points ahead of Saturday's return at Murrayfield. However, Miller says the message was clear: this isn't over yet. "After the game on Friday, Franco stressed to us that we're only at half-time," he stressed. "We've always looked at these games as a double-header. We need to regroup and build for next week because it's going to be another tough game. It's always good to play in front of a big crowd. We had it recently at Bayonne. It's always good when the crowd gets on top of you. I've been across here at Glasgow for a while now, but obviously it's nice to get a win against your old club."