Glasgow Warriors | Dobie has all the skills for wing role

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July 04, 2024

Dobie has all the skills for wing role

Posted by Editor on July 4, 2024 08:55 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Jamie Dobie starts at wing for Glasgow
Scotland head coach Gregor Townsend has explained the thinking behind the inclusion of Glasgow's Jamie Dobie on the wing for Saturday's match against Canada in Ottawa.

Townsend has named five uncapped players in his line-up in the summer tour opener, including Sale Sharks scrum-half Gus Warr.

His inclusion has forced Dobie out onto the wing, where Townsend admitted he has been "increasingly impressed" with the 23-year-old who has featured at wing for Glasgow on a number of occasions and shown up well.

"It [selecting him in the No 14 jersey] is partly to manage the squad over the first two games. We did have a couple of days' training last week, but all the Glasgow starters from the final weren't involved.

"We're also increasingly impressed with Jamie the more he plays on the wing. There are parts to his game which really thrive in that position. His defence, his speed and his high-ball ability.

"What he's done really well is come in and be a passer. There have been a couple of tries that Glasgow have scored where Jamie has been the short-side/blind-side winger and put that key pass in.

"We do believe scrum-half is his best position, but playing on the wing can help him play more games at times and also help his running game and his support lines when he goes to nine. He'll get an opportunity to play nine this weekend and also later on in the tour."