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November 11, 2003

Graeme Beveridge available for Friday

Posted by Editor on November 11, 2003 02:42 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Graeme Beveridge is available for selection for Friday
Glasgow scrum-half Graeme Beveridge is available for selection for the Celtic Cup semi-final with Ulster at Hughenden on Friday (ko 7.30pm).

Graeme was the one member of the Glasgow contingent not to get any game time in Australia.

Cammy Mather has already made himself available for Friday but the other Glasgow players who were part of the World Cup squad will be given recuperation time.

Glasgow's Alan Bulloch and Simon Gunn fielded questions from supporters at a meeting at Hughenden last night. A number of issues were covered such as training, the Rugby World Cup and some interesting remarks about referees.

Thanks to Alan and Simon, and to Gordon Hood of Glasgow Warriors for an interesting and enjoyable evening.

To receive news on times and dates of supporters meetings email or call 0141 353 3468.


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