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November 12, 2003

Glenn takes a break

Posted by Editor on November 12, 2003 02:45 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Glenn Metcalfe is unlikely to play for Glasgow until December
Glenn Metcalfe is unlikely to be back in Glasgow colours before the start of their European campaign next month.

Instead of flying straight home, Glenn diverted to his native New Zealand for a well-earned break and to catch up with family. He also played down suggestions that he had retired from the Test scene.
Glenn said: "It has been a very demanding few months, both physically and mentally and I need to recharge my batteries. Once I am refreshed I'll be back to battle for Glasgow - and then we'll take things as they come as far as Scotland are concerned."

While Glenn takes time out, team-mate Graeme Beveridge is desperate to get back into action after six weeks on the road without any action. Graeme is now focused earning a regular starting slot for Glasgow ahead of new signing from New Zealand, Sam Pinder.

"It is exciting to be going back to Glasgow now and hopefully to get some game-time under my belt."

Graeme played down his chances of lining up against Ulster in Friday's Celtic Cup semi-final at Hughenden (ko 7.30pm). He said: "It is probably too much to expect to be picked so soon after the trip. I would love to be involved, but if I went straight back in, it might be a bit unfair on the guys who have got them this far in the competition."


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