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May 01, 2007

Moving in the right direction

Posted by Editor on May 1, 2007 11:23 PM | One comment | Print | E-mail author

Glasgow secured a hard-fought win at Ravenhill
Glasgow coach Sean Lineen says pride and passion have been behind Glasgow's emergence as the form team in the Magners League.

Glasgow lost five out of their opening seven games, but since then they have gone on to win eight from 11 in the Magners League and five from seven in the European Challenge Cup. The upsurge in form culminated in Glasgow's best result of the season so far as they travelled to Ravenhill and shattered Ulster's hopes of defending their title.

"It was a great result," Sean said in The Times. "There were so many other things going on that I don't think it got the attention it deserved, but that does not detract from the achievement. It is hard to go over there when they are so strong and come away with a win like that.

"We gave the players a questionnaire halfway through the season. One of the things we asked was what has improved at the club? The unanimous answer was 'pride in playing for Glasgow'. There is a genuine pride and passion.

"We've got some bloody good players and as there's genuine competition for places, they don't sulk if they're not selected. There's been a massive change in attitude. They all want to be part of it."

Questions still remain on where Glasgow will be playing next season. Hughenden, their present home, is due to be redeveloped for flats and though there may be a stay of execution if the project is delayed by the planning authorities, it would only delay the inevitable.

Temporary facilities somewhere such as Burnbrae, the West Of Scotland ground, could be an option as would using a football stadium, although a move out of the city has also been mentioned.

Sean's views on the subject are clear. "I want to play in Glasgow next year," he said. "If we keep winning and keep performing, the public will come. It's no secret that the marketing has been on a shoestring and a lot more thought needs to go into that. You only have to look at other clubs like Saracens and see what they've done down there, building their crowd at Watford from scratch. But the main thing that gets a crowd going is winning and I'm really excited about next season."

Posted by Envy on May 2, 2007 10:46 AM | Reply to this comment

Just a walk in the park Kazansky!

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