Glasgow Warriors | Waiting game

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May 13, 2009

Waiting game

Posted by Editor on May 13, 2009 09:19 AM | 22 comments | Print | E-mail author

Dan Parks
The futures of two Glasgow Warriors players hang in the balance as the season draws to a close.

The future of Dan Parks is still up in the air as his contract ends and a new deal, although thought to be on the table, has not been confirmed, while Glasgow centre Max Evans awaits the outcome of a scan on the knee he damaged in Sunday's match against Ospreys.

Glasgow coach Sean Lineen indicated the decision on Dan's future is out of his hands and will be decided by SRU bosses. The stand-off faces a court appearance on a charge of drink driving the outcome of which could have a huge bearing on his future in Scotland.

"It's still up in the air," said Sean in The Herald. Pressed about when he expected a decision to be made, he replied tersely: "When I'm told."

Sean added: "The court decision is on Friday and then it's on to Murrayfield for various meetings."

The possibility of being forced to replace the experience and influence of the Magners League's top scorer at such a late stage may explain the Glasgow coach's frustration.

Max is waiting to find out just how long he'll be out of action, although it's thought that the damage to his knee could have been much worse - the centre's dexterity helping avoid a more severe injury.

Sean reckons Max might have had a chance of getting on to the forthcoming British & Irish Lions tour after Tom Shanklin was ruled out just four days earlier.

"It depends what type of player they were looking for," he said. "Obviously if it was a direct replacement for Shanklin it would be someone like Mike Tindall, but if you're looking for someone with the X-factor on those hard grounds there are not many better than Max at the moment.

"He was outstanding on Sunday. It just wasn't to be. It's very frustrating. I feel for him because he's been fantastic this season and he's still smiling, but we'll find out in the next few days just how long he's going to be out for."

Posted by bossco85 on May 13, 2009 10:36 AM | Reply to this comment

I for one really hope that Parksy stays and that he can put the later part of this season behind him and come back stronger next year. Lets not forget how good he has been for Glasgow in recent seasons, he is the top points scorer in ML history for crying out load! If he goes its bigs boots for who ever Lineen gets in his place. Hope Max makes a speedy recovery!

Posted by ballinj on May 13, 2009 10:42 AM | Reply to this comment

absolutely agree, Glasgow are at their best when Parks is on form. Though given it is the SRu and not Glasgow that will decide I fear the worst.

Posted by s153 on May 13, 2009 01:09 PM | Reply to this comment

....and if he is convicted of driving whilst being drunk....?

Posted by Carolynagain on May 13, 2009 01:20 PM | Reply to this comment

... shouldn't make a difference if the SRU is consistent. After all look at Nikki Walker.

Posted by AJPatterson on May 13, 2009 01:21 PM | Reply to this comment

What's the tariff for that? Does it depend on previous? I used to know someone that got jailed for speeding although apparently that person had a lot of previous offences.

Given the speed of the court appearance it does look quite a serious matter - no idea what the evidence is (or indeed what the charges are) but the potential downside is pretty bad.

Posted by ecosse on May 15, 2009 08:52 AM | Reply to this comment

apart from being the ml top point scorer, seriously what else has he done. If a player has that amount of quality he should be a first choice international player which he isnt. If there were more fly halfs in Scotland he wouldnt even get into the origanal 30 man squad selection for the 6nat, world cup etc. I do agree with you though. I wish Max Evans a very speedy recovery as I think he would have been a decent shout for that last remaining lions spot

Posted by bossco85 on May 13, 2009 01:28 PM | Reply to this comment

If he's convicted it doesn't effect his rugby ability.

Posted by Miss NZ on May 13, 2009 04:35 PM | Reply to this comment


It's not as if he was the team bus driver...can't see how this affects his play.

Is it the snooty 'role model' issue?

Posted by AJPatterson on May 13, 2009 04:47 PM | Reply to this comment

It's a combination of things. Regardless of the effects of substance intake on the person concerned, driving drunk can affect other people in a very big way. So the courts really hammer people on it.

As Dan is at contract renewal stage, it's a bit like applying for a new job. So if convicted his CV would read "former international, out of form, ageing, criminal record". Not a good bargaining strategy.

So the SRU aren't likely to offer him a big salary under those circs but an Italian team for example might value an experienced out half more highly given they really need to improve in that area. Unfortunately the Murrayfield boo-boys don't exactly strengthen his case either.

Very sad but I'm not optimistic it will end well for us.

Posted by jinky on May 13, 2009 05:25 PM | Reply to this comment

Glasgow, Rudi Jackson and the rest of the back line need Dan Parks to play at least one more season and Dan Parks needs one more season at Glasgow as to leave in these circumstances would be tragic. Since the Autumn internationals when Dans confidence was knocked by terrible treatment by the crowd and the media he has been suffering with his game and his frame of mind culminating in his arrest for drink driving. While I cannot condone his actions I do hope the punishment allows him to stay fit and stay playing for Glasgow.
The last few matches have demonstrated not only Jacksons potential but also his inability to control the game and this he could learn and develop from Dan.
Also with Chris Cussiter, G-Dog, Max and Thom, we could see the total rejuvenation of Dan next season and I for one would really like to see that.
Heres hoping the court, the SRU and Dan allow it to happen.

Posted by Alan on May 14, 2009 12:20 AM | Reply to this comment

Totally agree. Most sensible posting I have read about Dan in ages!

Posted by Derek on May 13, 2009 05:47 PM | Reply to this comment

Well said Jinky!

Hopefully Dan knows that all those morons who were booing him even before he came on against South Africa, were not Glasgow fans!

He will be punished by the court if found guilty, but the courts punishment should be the end of it.

He has been punished by the club already!

Drink Driving is a serious offence, but so is speeding and numerous other driving offences. Do we sack every SRU contract player who gets caught doing 40mph in a 30 Zone?

Posted by jonboy on May 13, 2009 07:27 PM | Reply to this comment

To be fair, its possible to do many things "by accident" such as go over the speed limit or even be slightly over the limit, say next morning (like Tindall) IF however, he got in a car in the early hours and drove along the M8 whilst drunk, I don't want him (or anyone else) anywhere near my club, I'd actually charge people who knowingly do this with attempted murder, since they have endangered the life of everyone else on the road. If he hasn't then get him signed again quick.

Posted by proudscot on May 13, 2009 08:56 PM | Reply to this comment

think we all agree that dan was stupid to get into the car after a shandy or 2, but heres a thought that might explain why he has not been anywhere neer the glasgow set up (or what i was told from someone within the sru)... despite playing for scotland dan is a kiwi and here on a works visa! if he gets hammered by the courts could he be deported??

Posted by Bueller on May 13, 2009 11:54 PM | Reply to this comment

Proudscot, Get your facts right first.

Someone within the SRU should know he is an Aussie, and has a Scottish passport ! But wouldnt surprise me about the SRU from the level of support (PATHETIC...) he has received ! I agree he made a silly and dangerous decision to drive after "a shandy or 2" but its done and it is how he deals with the aftermath that counts now

He has put his heart and soul into playing for Scotland / Glasgow after leaving his family / friends etc. in Aust, even after the level of abuse he gets from sections of Scotland supporters (we know where they are from). Not one member of the SRU came up to him during those games where he was booed to offer their backing or support , or just a pat on the back for giving it his best in difficult times !! Just imagine what it would be like to try to play your best in those conditions

But still he turns up for player appearances etc. whenever asked by the SRU, goes to far out areas as a guest speaker... in his own time etc. etc. etc. Which is fine but when times get tough.... "Who's Dan Parks ?"

Before someone says it, No im not Dan Parks just someone who knows the crap he has gone through this last year and how alienated he feels

Sorry, Rant over

Posted by sunday5 on May 14, 2009 12:17 PM | Reply to this comment

Well said, we as fans can only imagine what it must feel like to be bood by your own support. I felt ashamed by his treatment. It was a disgrace. We should make sure the man knows that we are behind him and give him our full support whatever the outcome. I for one hope he comes back to Glasgow. We need him as a club and he needs to get back on the horse.

Good luck Dan!!

Posted by Phall on May 14, 2009 12:33 PM | Reply to this comment

How do you get one of those Scottish Passports? Last time I looked mine's said United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
As for whether DP could be dismissed, generally in employment law, you can be sacked, following proper procedures if you can be shown to have brought your employer into disrepute. As a second point many sports organisations have a so-called "morality" clause, which allows them to sack staff. Although frequently this is just used as a handy excuse if they want to ditch someone.
I think the SRU should offer DP a 2 year deal and let him make his choice, he may be sick of this winswept hole by now.

Posted by Bradford on May 14, 2009 03:00 AM | Reply to this comment

"Let he who is without sin throw the first stone". Dan's done the wrong thing, but he deserves a chance to put things right.

Posted by andrew Johnston on May 14, 2009 02:18 PM | Reply to this comment

Why on earth is Dan Parks still at the club, Get rid of him, apart from being the ml top point scorer which god only knows how hes got that he does nothing. Ruraidh Jackson is an up and coming star. Glasgow should bring in another youth fly half and nurture him in to a decent back up for Jackson. I feel for Max Evans as he would be a fantastic shout for a lions spot. I wish him a very speedy recovery.
PS Do us all a favour, get rid of Parks hes past it

Posted by RJG on May 15, 2009 01:20 PM | Reply to this comment

I can only assume this post is a pathetic attempt at a wind up.

Certainly the vast majority of rugby fans in Glasgow would disagree. Most Glasgow fans want him to stay, and want him to get back to his best.

No one I know has any faith in the SRU actually supporting Dan or Glasgow in this. The thought of paying for Glasgow to get a new fly half will have them choking on their Gin and Tonics at Nomoneyfield.


Posted by Smiler on May 17, 2009 06:06 PM | Reply to this comment

Dan gets my vote to stay.
Ok- can't condone what he's done, but guess he's suffered enough since.
Nobody's perfect.
Dan has been a brilliant ambassador for the sport.
His attitude towards fans is fantastic- he's always happy to speak, sign autographs and great with the kids.
More than can be said for some........!

Posted by Alsfan on May 18, 2009 12:29 AM | Reply to this comment

I'll go with that! Friday night showed why we need Dan. Our talented "up and coming star" being subbed in the second half because he wasn't good enough .. yet! I really hope Dan decides to stay.

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