Glasgow Warriors | Foz joins the 'A' squad

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May 26, 2009

Foz joins the 'A' squad

Posted by Editor on May 26, 2009 03:58 PM | 3 comments | Print | E-mail author

Calum Forrester has been called into the Scotland 'A' squad
Glasgow's Calum Forrester has been added to the Scotland 'A' squad for the 2009 IRB Nations Cup in Bucharest, Romania.

Head coach Andy Robinson has added the back row forward to his squad after the withdrawal of Scott Newlands.

A product of GHA and the National Academy, the 22-year-old has previously represented Scotland 7s and made a handful of starts for the Warriors last season; earning him his place on the trip to eastern Europe.

Robinson welcomed the new recruit and believes he will make a contribution during the three matches.

Robinson said: “I’ve been impressed with what I’ve seen of Calum so far and Sean Lineen has also recommended him. He is a useful young back row player with plenty of potential and this trip will be a useful experience for him as part of his development.”

Scotland ‘A’ squad for the IRB Nations Cup 2009: Joe Ansbro (Northampton Saints), David Blair (Edinburgh), Kelly Brown (Glasgow Warriors), Ben Cairns (Edinburgh), Stuart Corsar (Doncaster Knights), Geoff Cross (Edinburgh), Chris Cusiter (captain, Perpignan), Simon Danielli (Ulster), Nick De Luca (Edinburgh), Rob Dewey (Ulster), James Eddie (Glasgow Warriors), Calum Forrester (Glasgow Warriors), Roddy Grant (Edinburgh), Alex Grove (Worcester Warriors), Craig Hamilton (Edinburgh), Ruaridh Jackson (Glasgow Warriors), Alastair Kellock (Glasgow Warriors), A Kelly (Edinburgh), Rory Lawson (Gloucester), Scott Lawson (Gloucester), Moray Low (Glasgow Warriors), Alan MacDonald (Edinburgh), Jim Thompson (Edinburgh), Kyle Traynor (Edinburgh), Richie Vernon (Glasgow Warriors) and Simon Webster (Edinburgh).

IRB Nations Cup 2009 (all games to be played in Bucharest)
Friday, 12 June, Scotland ‘A’ v Russia
Tuesday, 16 June, Scotland ‘A’ v Uruguay
Sunday, 21 June, France ‘A’ v Scotland ‘A’

Posted by AJPatterson on May 26, 2009 09:46 PM | Reply to this comment

Well done, thoroughly deserved.

Posted by ayoung on May 26, 2009 10:07 PM | Reply to this comment

Well done chap! Fantastic news and the least he deserves after some performances this season.

Posted by MMcEwan on May 27, 2009 08:46 AM | Reply to this comment

Great news, delighted to see a fellow Hutchie alum breaking through. Best of luck Fozzy.

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