Glasgow Warriors | Moray puts in the hard work

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January 18, 2011

Moray puts in the hard work

Posted by Editor on January 18, 2011 01:35 PM | One comment | Print | E-mail author

Moray Low has been working hard
There were a number of stand-out performances in Glasgow's 20-10 Heineken Cup win over Wasps on Sunday.

With the Six Nations just around the corner it was good to see Moray Low looking more like the player Glasgow supporters know he is. Solid at scrum time the tighthead made ground every time he had ball in hand.

In the first part of the season Moray's form hasn't reached the heights it did during Scotland's summer tour to Argentna and the prop has been working hard to put things right.

“Argentina was really good for me,” said the Glasgow prop in the Telegraph. “But the hardest thing was to come back and improve on that. Being honest, I think it took it a bit for granted and forgot the hard work that you have to put in to keep improving and put in the performances.

“I had words with Sean [Lineen, head coach at Glasgow] and the other coaches. I spoke with Andy [Robinson] as well. We broke it all down and brought it back to the basics and then just built on it from there. It wasn’t a crisis, it was just about looking at what I was doing around the park and trying to improve upon it in training.

“Because people have seen you do something before, they expect you to do that again and again. The thing about professional rugby is getting that consistency. Hopefully, it was just a little blip, a little bad patch. I just have to keep working hard in training, doing the extra bits and all the analysis to improve.”

Glasgow finish their Heinekrn Cup campaign with a visit to Newport to face the Dragons and Moray knows they will present another big challenge.

“We’ve got to pick it up again for the Newport game next weekend,” he said firmly. “They’re a strong side at home and getting on top of them in the set piece will be a massive challenge. We need to be at our best to take them on up front.

“OK, pat on the back, I did well against Wasps. But I have to come back in to training and look at what I can do better. I can’t rest on that, which is probably what I did after Argentina. It’s about asking how I can get better and what little things I can do to improve.”

Posted by russ on January 18, 2011 05:02 PM | Reply to this comment

Game needs to be raised for Sunday - I for one expect better!

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