Glasgow Warriors | Fraser Brown on Scotland Club International duty

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March 07, 2013

Fraser Brown on Scotland Club International duty

Posted by Editor on March 7, 2013 04:27 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Fraser Brown is on club international duty
Glasgow's Fraser Brown has been included in the Scotland Club International team that takes on their Irish counterparts at Millbrae on Friday (ko 7.30pm, admission free).

The hooker from the Heriot's club was brought into the Glasgow squad as cover for injuries and international call-ups and has made three appearances for the Warriors.

He's joined in the squad by Goldenacrre clubmate and fellow-hooker Kevin Bryce who has also been working with the Warriors.

Scotland Club XV

15 *Jamie Forbes (Currie)

14 *Craig Gossman (Ayr)
13 *Max Learmonth (Heriot’s)
12 Dean Kelbrick (Ayr)
11 *Craig Robertson (Gala)

10 Lee Millar (Gala)
9 *George Graham (Gala)

1 *Robin Hislop (Boroughmuir)
2 Fraser Brown (Heriot’s)
3 *Alex Allan (Edinburgh Accies)
4 *Murray Douglas (Aberdeen Grammar)
5 *Ross Miller (Melrose)
6 Mark Cairns (captain) (Currie)
7 *Hamish Watson (Edinburgh Accies)
8 *Andrew Nagle (Melrose)


16 *Kevin Bryce (Heriot’s)
17 Gary Holborn (Melrose)
18 *Luke Pettie (Gala)
19 *Jason Hill (Heriot’s)
20 *Gary Graham (Gala)
21 *Peter Jericevich (Ayr)
22 *Stuart Edwards (Stirling County)
23 Cameron Ferguson (Heriot’s)

*Uncapped at Scotland Club XV level