Glasgow Warriors | Smith taking Warriors in the right direction

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December 31, 2022

Smith taking Warriors in the right direction

Posted by Editor on December 31, 2022 10:31 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Kyle Steyn says Franco Smith has instilled belief in the Glasgow squad
With five wins on the bounce Glasgow Warriors have finished 2022 on a high and boosted their URC and European hopes.

It's a welcome upturn in fortunes after the disappointments of last season and club skipper Kyle Steyn says the arrival of Franco Smith has played a big role in that shift.

"He's brought a lot of direction and he's instilled belief, that character in the second half," said Steyn in The Scotsman. "He's been amazing, the values he's come with. He backs up everything he says with actions. It took a bit of a while to settle in because of the nature of him coming in at the last minute, but I think you can see now that the boys believe in what he is saying and what he is doing and the direction that he is trying to send this club in."

Back-to-back wins over Edinburgh in the 1872 Cup matches - in the 150th year of the inter-city fixture - and the nature of the victories were impressive, but Steyn hopes they are just the start to even better things.

Steyn added: "With the history behind it and it being the 150th year and the way the last couple of years have gone, there was massive importance on it and it feels really good to get it, but it's not the peak, it's not the end point. It's part of the journey we're on."

The challenges keep coming for Warriors and they face one of their stiffest tests of the season when the Stormers visit Scotstoun next Sunday. The South Africans thumped the Warriors 32-7 in Cape Town last season on their way to winning the URC.

The squad have a couple of days off over the turn of the year before meeting up again on Tuesday to prepare for the champions' visit, and Steyn believes the Warriors will be ready. "We're looking forward to the challenge, and we're at home which is brilliant, and we've got nine days to turn it around so the boys should be nice and fresh and raring to go."