Glasgow Warriors | Stormers will bring something different to Scotstoun

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January 05, 2023

Stormers will bring something different to Scotstoun

Posted by Editor on January 5, 2023 07:12 AM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Nigel Carolan says Warriors will have to cope with the line speed Stormers bring
Preparations for the visit of URC champions Stormers are continuing with Glasgow coach Nigel Carolan saying minds are focused on the challenge the South Africans present.

Speaking in The Herald, Carolan said: "The Stormers are so different to every other team you play against, not only are they the reigning champions but they defend in a way which is different.

"They bring an unbelievable amount of line speed, it's almost reckless, and you really need to earn the right to find the space. You do that by taking them through a number of phases and then opportunities will open up.

"It is a great challenge which is really focusing the minds of not only the coaches but also the players.

"We've challenged the 'other team' to create that picture and simulate as much as possible how hard that line speed comes during our training runs this week. It makes it really difficult because you have less time on ball, but you can have a lot of opportunities if you manage to get the ball away in time.

"Yesterday was very uncomfortable but today they are starting to see what works to exploit the space, and with another session on Friday they will be well prepped come Sunday."

Carolan believes Glasgow's five-match winning streak and was all the more satisfying as it was achieved whilst rotating the squad. The result is a big group of players match fit and in form all competing for places.

A number of other key players who have been side-lined through injury will become available meaning even more competition for staring places, particularly at centre.

"You have Sione Tuipulotu, you have Stafford McDowall in the form of his life, you have Huw Jones, who had tremendous games against Bath and Perpignan and is raring for his next opportunity, and you have Sam Johnson, who has been injured since Sharks [in mid-October] also knocking on the door and training well," said Carolan.

"So, you have four guys all looking for selection in the two centre slots and we can play any combination of the four. They don't have bad games, so it is difficult to manage their expectations of game-time - but it's not a bad headache.

"Meanwhile, Rory Darge is back running so not too far away. We're very hopeful that he'll be back within a month. Hopefully he will return early Six Nations. Scott Cummings is progressing his rehab as well. Zander Fagerson is doing very well too. It might be too late for us for this block of games, but hopefully Scotland will benefit from their return."