Glasgow Warriors | Berghan puts himself in the mix for club and country

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January 05, 2023

Berghan puts himself in the mix for club and country

Posted by Editor on January 5, 2023 11:11 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Simon Berghan's impact from the bench has caught the eye
The impact of bench players has been a key factor in Glasgow's recent winning run of games.

Glasgow's second-half woes were well documented last season with promising openings often followed by a slump in the later stages of games. While it may be too early to say the issue has been completely resolved it's been noticeable that Warriors have been finishing strongly in their recent fixtures.

Simon Berghan's contribution over the last few matches has caught the eye with the Scotland prop bringing a positive impact at set-piece and in the loose.

Berghan's form is all the more welcome after Glasgow and Scotland first-choice tight-head, Zander Fagerson picked up a hamstring injury at the start of December.

Fagerson is expected to miss the start of the Six Nations so Berghan's form has put him in the mix for the trip to Twickenham to face England on 4th February.

"I had a tricky start to the season when I wasn't getting as much game time as I might have liked and it took me a bit of time to prove my worth," said Berghan in The Scotsman. "But with Zander getting injured - bless him, a great guy - it gave me an opportunity to get some more minutes with Glasgow.

"I'm still finding myself on the bench quite regularly which as a player is quite frustrating but we're winning games, and in the second half we're playing well. So, without loving it too much, I've got a role there to come on and bring a lot of energy and help change games in the second half so I'm proud of that.

"I'd like to start because I feel like my point of difference is my fitness and work-rate, so I think I can play 60-70 minutes. But it's hard to see Franco Smith changing what he's doing with the bench at the minute so I'll just contribute to the team in whatever way I can to help us keep winning and playing well. I'm certainly enjoying my rugby again.

"I'm a big believer in doing the right thing at the club and that takes care of itself," he adds. "If I find myself back in the Six Nations squad it will be because I'm doing well here."