Glasgow Warriors | Back-to-back wins for Scotland

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February 11, 2023

Back-to-back wins for Scotland

Posted by Editor on February 11, 2023 07:18 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Kyle Steyn went over for two tries
Scotland made it back-to-back wins in this year's Six Nations as they eased past Wales 35-7 at Murrayfield on Saturday.

Tries from George Turner, Kyle Steyn (2), Blair Kinghorn and Matt Fagerson helped the Scots to a comfortable victory.

For Wales, Ken Owens went over for his team's only try, converted by Dan Biggar , but man-of-the-match Finn Russell turned on the style after the interval to guide the Scots to victory.

Winger Kyle Steyn was the direct beneficiary of Russell's creativity. Steyn's first try came after a cute offload with one hand as Russell was being tackled and the second try came from a perfectly judged crossfield kick.

"Amazing, eh?" Steyn said of Russell in The Scotsman. "You've just got to expect anything when you are with him. That's what I learned through training and playing a couple of games with him. Whenever he's there, you just try and hover in and around and tend to get something. The problem is that he plays like he's got so much time on the ball. I just want the ball now! So it's more a case of holding my feet, that I don't overrun him. Just give him time to do his thing. We feel like we've got really good momentum and his decision-making around that area of the pitch is world-class."