Glasgow Warriors | Win for Scotland U20

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February 10, 2023

Win for Scotland U20

Posted by Editor on February 10, 2023 09:28 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Ben Afshar helped Scotland to the win
Scotland edged out Wales 18-17 in this evening's U20 Six Nations match at Scotstoun.

Rudi Brown's try and Ben Afshar's penalty set the hosts on their way before the break, before Wales hit back through Morgan Morse's touchdown just after the break.

A penalty try put Scotland back in control of the contest, but Wales took the lead thanks to a Dan Edwards penalty and a score from Oli Andrew.

But Scotland, who previously hadn't won in this competition for three years, weren't to be denied, and sealed the win when Dan King slotted over a penalty late on.

The visitor paid a big price for their lack of discipline with Wales conceding four yellow cards over the course of the match.