April 12, 2004

Top-class imports could make the difference

Posted by Editor on April 12, 2004 03:24 PM | 10 comments | Print | E-mail author

John Beattie thinks Scotland's pro teams need more top class foreign influence
John Beattie thinks Scotland's professional teams need some top-class imports to help them to be successful.

In today's Scotsman, John looks at the foreign influence among Glasgow's Celtic League rivals and the SRU's desire to use the pro teams to prepare players for international duty.

"The Achilles heel of the professional rugby set up in Scotland is that if it is to be used only as a means of preparing Scottish players to play for Scotland then the professional sides won’t be competitive," says John.

"The SRU, especially with cut backs, will never be able to keep every Scottish player in this country, and with our lack of playing numbers we will see some seriously ordinary Scottish players getting contracts. And at the weekends those players will have to take on Welshmen and Irishmen who are being helped by world-class players from overseas. We are not comparing like with like."

You can read John Beattie's article here

Posted by not sure about that on April 12, 2004 05:55 PM | Reply to this comment

Have to disagree with John Beattie. By increasing the number of Top-class imports it pushes out the younger scottish players on the fringe of the pro-teams. All this does is merely hold back the development of our potential future internationals. This would result in our selection pool being even smaller and our national coaches would have even fewer top class players to choose from. The welsh and the irish get away with it because they have more than 3 pro teams.

Posted by Phall on April 13, 2004 05:35 PM | Reply to this comment

Sorry I have to agree with John, for example, when Tommy was at 10 he allowed the development of players at 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 because they got the ball, When Chalmers was at 10 they didn't, they got to chase the ball up the field for the forwards to follow for a lineout.
Simplistic I know but very, very true.

The stunning thing is the complete change in JB's view since leaving the Herald were he marched to a different drum.

Posted by Highlandbrave75 on February 21, 2005 02:18 PM | Reply to this comment

Foreigners in Scottish pro sides? Hmmmm maybe John Beattie, in his article, knows more about what's going on within the high society of the SRU circles than most on the ground give him credit for!

The way the SRU are handling contract situations at present I'm afraid it's going to be foreigners who'll be making up the three pro teams team's each week in the Celtic league shortly.

The "apprentice" Scottish talent in the pro setup in Scotland are on disgraceful "third world" wages or on short-term contracts. The slightly older Scottish players fare no better then the apprentices with short-term contracts!

Posted by big jim on April 12, 2004 11:10 PM | Reply to this comment

i totally agree wth you. as nice as it would be to have umaga and gregan and krige etc playing for us its not a scotland team is it? we hav exciting prospects coming up.

Posted by Euan on April 13, 2004 01:36 PM | Reply to this comment

In general I would agree, but there is a case to be made for a select number of TOP QUALITY imports who might provide the support and experience to bring on the younger scots faster than just throwing them in to see if they sink or swim. It's exactly the same as continuing to employ scots who have retired from the international scene. eg Cusiter has come along hugely in the last 18 months or so - due in part I'm sure to Gary Armstrong, while Todd Blackadder has obviously had a positive effect at Edinburgh, particularly on Hogg and Cross - otherwise Taylor would be the most experienced back-row forward (and his inexperience is still regularly evident at international level)

Posted by hugues from france on April 13, 2004 02:42 PM | Reply to this comment

I think Scotland uses or used too much overseas players in the national squad, and all of them don't have the international level. Maybe Scotland should use them in clubs to help young scots to reach the level for the blue jersey.

About internationnalists playing in their country: Ireland managed to have a very good side, and all the players are in irish pro teams. (Same for France, and England). Maybe it's easier to build a side with guys playing all together for the season.

MONEY... About overseas players??? At least if the scottish pro teams could offer good contracts to have players like Grimmes, White, Smith etc...

Even for almost retired like Redpath, McIlwham, Logan, Mac Laren, they can't.

I don't know financial structures, but a team like Toulouse have a choice of at least 2 players by "poste" and at 20 years old with an international level.(i agree, it's a special team/town of rugby)

I'm sorry, i don't want to be notty, but i don't understand Brendan Laney playing N°10 for Edinburgh, and centre for Scotland.

Posted by derekhendo on April 14, 2004 07:44 AM | Reply to this comment

Hate to sound uncommitted, but both arguments have their merits. Its obvious people of the calibre of Blackadder have added a certain steely attitude to Edinburgh and the other scottish sides because we all want to beat them, DONT WE!!! The problem is until we get independent funding for the Pro sides we won't attract the same calibre of foreign imports to bring on "Scottish" players, or keep the players like Maclaren, White, MacIllwham (notice a pattern here), or bring back Grimes or attract "new" Scottish players - Hinshelwood (there's that pattern again!). As for Laney, its obvious he's a great player at super 12 or pro-side level but even more glaringly obvious he's doesn't cut it at international level! Fortress Scotland - sorry, closed due to lack of money - spent it on blazers and hospitality!!

Posted by Seoras Alasdair MacLaumann on April 14, 2004 12:05 PM | Reply to this comment


Are you French, by-the-way?

You're absolutely right about the Scottish 15, alien names, alien accents and alien attitudes and no doubt passports.

I am a Nationalist and it sickens me to note that it only occurs with the Scotland side.

We have a pretend government and a pretend 'Leader' who ponces about in New York in a mini-skirt and hence a pretend SCOTTISH rugby team which lacks support.

Did you see the Limey team after the RWC and its welcome in London; and the shower of 'regal' awards poured on them?

It's all about money and its source , tempered with, it has to be admitted, Nationalism!

Saoir Alba

Posted by hugues on April 14, 2004 03:59 PM | Reply to this comment

Yes, i'm french, unfortunately my english language isn't good enough to pick up the jokes and "termes". Actually my wife is glaswegian and i love the town and the country.

I'm not telling my life it would be boring, but just some remarks about rugby between the countrys. I went once in HUGHENDEN and was surprised about the size of the stands (not big) crowd was ok (it was a derby against Edinburgh boxing days in 2002).

People in France think rugby is very popular in british isles, i wonder with the low number of players (except England). A friend how knows very well Ireland told me it was the same years ago, and now pro irish teams bring around 10,000 fans, because of the results...

Nationals squads: I think it's about generation players too, the irish back line was so poor in the past, look at guys like O'driscoll and D'Arcy best centres in the world at the moment.

I was very surprised when i heard about Hugh Campbell interview that Llanelli have the budget of the 3 pro scottish teams (incredible).

Last sentence (promised), I watched on the tv the first heineken cup game between Edinburgh and Toulouse, meadowbank was so empty and no noise. Last game between them more than 35,000 crowd in Toulouse.

My heart belongs to Glasgow

Posted by Seoras Alasdair MacLaumann on April 14, 2004 08:02 PM | Reply to this comment

Hugues- your English is excellent.

Your opinions are clearly expressed and very accurate. It takes a neutral observer to see the problems with Scotland and its Rugby Team.

Your fondness of Glasgow is appreciated. Vive la France!

PS You have the best National Anthem.

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