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May 17, 2006

T-Bone the Barbarian

Posted by Editor on May 17, 2006 12:45 AM | One comment | Print | E-mail author

Kevin Tkachuk is expected to be in the Barbarians side to face Scotland
Kevin Tkachuk looks set to take on some of his Glasgow Warriors mates when Scotland play the Barbarians at Murrayfield at the end of the month.

The Canadian prop is expected to take his place in the Baa-Baas pack with the side also set to feature British and Irish Lions Will Greenwood and Kyran Bracken, as well as Rhys Williams and Sonny Parker from Wales and Sale's Steve Hanley.

Northampton's on-form Kiwi Daniel Browne and former Springbok skipper Bob Skinstad are also likely to feature.

Posted by vicki on May 17, 2006 01:37 PM | Reply to this comment

Looks like T-Bone will have a good warm up to his games against Scotland with Canada in Churchill Cup!

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