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October 12, 2006

Ospreys team to face Glasgow

Posted by Editor on October 12, 2006 11:39 AM | 2 comments | Print | E-mail author

Nikki Walker will face his countrymen tomorrow night
Ospreys have named their team to face Glasgow in the Magners League at the Liberty Stadium tomorrow night (ko 7.10pm).


15 Lee Byrne
14 Nikki Walker
13 Sonny Parker
12 James Hook
11 Shane Williams

10 Gavin Henson
9 Justin Marshall

8 Ryan Jones
7 Steve Tandy
6 Jonathan Thomas
5 Ian Evans
4 Brent Cockbain
3 Adam Jones
2 Huw Bennett
1 Duncan Jones (Capt)


16 Barry Williams
17 Paul James
18 Alun Wyn Jones
19 Filo Tiatia
20 Jason Spice
21 Shaun Connor
22 Andrew Bishop

Lyn Jones, head coach of the Ospreys said: "Glasgow have a particularly effective kicking game and a desire to play rugby from all areas of the field and this should result in an entertaining fixture for the supporters.

"They are well led and have established Scottish internationals in key positions, which gives them the advantage of decision makers throughout the side. We are looking forward to the challenge they will present on Friday night."

Posted by sunday5 on October 12, 2006 12:06 PM | Reply to this comment

Anyone think this wont be a five pointer?

Posted by mediumsizedal on October 12, 2006 04:34 PM | Reply to this comment

Yup-a potential thrashing unless Glasgow are firing on all cylinders-that is about the strongest team that could be put out by anyone in the league.

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