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October 12, 2006

One change for Glasgow

Posted by Editor on October 12, 2006 12:08 PM | 9 comments | Print | E-mail author

Andy Newman will face his old club
Glasgow Warriors head coach Sean Lineen has said he wants to go one step further and come away from Friday's trip to Liberty Stadium with more than the bonus point gained from their last meeting against the Ospreys.

The last time the sides faced each other in Wales, the hosts emerged 16-13 victors but following last week's 25-0 win over Border Reivers, Glasgow are looking to step up their game yet again. Sean said: "This week's game will be very physical. Ospreys have a real aggressive defence and it'll be a big challenge for us. This'll be a particularly big game for Andy Newman in the second row as it's the first time he'll be facing his former team-mates."

Glasgow travel with the same 22 but one change in the starting XV as Andy Henderson and Scott Barrow swap places, meaning Scott starts and Andy is on the bench. Sean added: "The centre is still an area that I'm looking at as we want to develop it, particularly given the exciting back three we have. Looking towards the Autumn Tests too, we need to make sure our players are fresh."

15 Rory Lamont

14 Hefin O'Hare
13 Graeme Morrison
12 Scott Barrow
11 Thom Evans

10 Colin Gregor
9 Graeme Beveridge

1 Justin Va'a
2 Fergus Thomson*
3 Euan Murray*
4 Andy Newman
5 Alastair Kellock* CAPTAIN
6 Andrew Wilson*
8 John Beattie*
7 John Barclay*

16 Scott Lawson*
17 Kevin Tkachuk
18 Dan Turner
19 Donnie Macfadyen
20 Sam Pinder
21 Dan Parks
22 Andrew Henderson

Unavailable for selection due to injury: James Eddie (ankle), Francisco Leonelli (ribs), Sean Marsden (hamstring), Mike Roberts (knee), Colin Shaw (ankle).

The following National Academy players are being made available to play for their clubs this weekend:
Willie Brown**, Jamie Hunter** (both Hillhead-Jordanhill), Moray Low** (Aberdeen GSFP), Colin White** (Ayr), Ruaridh Jackson** (Cartha QP), Allan Kelly** (Glasgow Hawks), Calum Forrester** (GHA) and Ben Addison** (Stirling County) in the following fixtures: Dundee High v Aberdeen GSFP, Ayr v Glasgow Hawks, Stirling County v Cartha QP, GHA v Gala and Hillhead-Jordanhill v Stewart's Melville FP.

*Member of the Scottish Institute of Sport. **Member of the West Of Scotland Institute of Sport

Posted by gbmcgn on October 12, 2006 03:52 PM | Reply to this comment

Re Henderson on the bench and Lineen's comment that players need to be rested for the AIs, I note that Bruce Douglas has also been rested for the Borders and Rennie for Edinburgh - the hand of Uncle Frank??

Posted by garyipa on October 12, 2006 05:29 PM | Reply to this comment

Rennie is being rested because he has had 5 (I believe) hard games. He is only an apprentice. I would be surprised to see him feature in the AI's althouhg on form it would be deserved.

Posted by sunday5 on October 12, 2006 04:39 PM | Reply to this comment

Bad move for us though. We need Henderson for this game more than any other this season so far. Good to see Leonelli back though. I just hope we give them a good hard game but I can't see us winning this one.

Posted by A Pedant on October 12, 2006 05:26 PM | Reply to this comment

Leonelli? Sunday5, did your teachers ever tell you to read the question properly?

Posted by sunday5 on October 13, 2006 12:04 PM | Reply to this comment

Point taken, don't know how I managed that! I'm sure I read his name on the team list...... Might need another scan..

Posted by goose on October 12, 2006 09:33 PM | Reply to this comment

Interesting call from Sean to rest Henderson, but I think it could be a good one. Henderson is a great player, but I think that we may see a bit more play out wide with this change of personell. The weather for some exciting back play hasn't really been on anyone's side, so hopefully it'll e clear so we can see what the boys can do. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Depending on how this goes, I would like to see Morrison at 12 for a different dynamic in both defence and attack. He hasn't been getting enough ball, and maybe with this change we'll see what he, Evans, Hefin and Lamont are capable of against such a powerful ospreys side.

Posted by sunday5 on October 13, 2006 12:09 PM | Reply to this comment

Do you really think it'll be interesting to see how the game plays out with regards to the Centers? The Ospreys with run the ball right up the middle because we are very, very weak there. Morrison gets plenty of ball. He's an outside canter, if he hasn't been getting ball then who has? He's just not all that good with it.

Posted by mediumsizedal on October 13, 2006 07:01 PM | Reply to this comment

I agree with you sunday5-the midfield doesn't look balanced. Better with Henderson at inside & Barrow at outside. I don't understand why Lineen perseveres with Morrison. Unless the forwards really play out of their skins we could be in for a hiding tonight-it's a very strong Ospreys side-as good as anyone can field in Britain probably. But,with 10 mins to KO you never know .........

Posted by goose on October 13, 2006 08:50 PM | Reply to this comment

we'll see.

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