Glasgow Warriors | Muffles makes his mark

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September 02, 2009

Muffles makes his mark

Posted by Editor on September 2, 2009 11:46 PM | 2 comments | Print | E-mail author

Andy Henderson helped Montauban to a 40-35 win over Stade Francais
Andy Henderson's new club, Montauban, scored a great 40-35 win over Stade Francais in Paris this evening.

Andy played for the last 25 minutes in tonight's Top 14 clash - Montauban's first win in Paris and first victory of the season. Toulon are next up for Montauban this Sunday.

Posted by Hugues on September 3, 2009 12:37 AM | Reply to this comment

Hope Andy can have a good season in France.
He "was" so a great servant for Glasgow and Scotland.
All the best for him and family in France.

Posted by ballinj on September 3, 2009 10:23 AM | Reply to this comment

ghastly strip - think I will still with my Montauban circa 2000 one.

Good result as Stade very rarely lose at home.

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