Glasgow Warriors | Glasgow will have to do it the hard way

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May 10, 2013

Glasgow will have to do it the hard way

Posted by Editor on May 10, 2013 09:40 PM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Alastair Kellock says Glasgow must make a quick start
Glasgow skipper Alastair Kellock says his Warriors must leave nothing in the locker room if they are to overcome Leinster in tomorrow's PRO12 semi-final at the RDS.

Al told the Evening Times: "If we are to make the final then we are going to have to do it the hard way. This is about delivering a performance that leaves absolutely nothing in the locker and in which we give every ounce of ourselves for every minute of the game.

"We believe we have closed the gap on Leinster from last season, but if we are to prove that point then we must get the win tomorrow night. Pure and simple.

"To do that a good start will be crucial. We did not get that 12 months back and spent the whole of the contest playing catch-up and if that one had lasted 10 minutes longer then who knows?

"So it will be vital that when the first whistle goes we are immediately on the front foot and taking the game to Leinster and that we stay there."