Glasgow Warriors | Warriors must get their focus right

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April 28, 2014

Warriors must get their focus right

Posted by Editor on April 28, 2014 07:21 AM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Chris Cusiter says the Warriors must get their focus right
Chris Cusiter says the Warriors must get their focus right if they want to continue their push for the PRO12 title.

The 37-34 win over Edinburgh gave Glasgow the 1872 Cup and moved them into second place in the league but there was frustration at the lapses in defence that made the scoreline closer than it should have been.

With the last two games of the regular season against Italian sides Treviso and Zebre, Chris says the Warriors can't afford such slip-ups if they want to clinch a home semi-final.

Speaking in today's Evening Times, Chris said: "We're not going to win big games playing like that. That's got to focus our minds a bit and we've got to keep building the performances.

"We were doing things that we hadn't done in the last couple of weeks against Munster and Ulster, when we were really focused with great defensive performances.

"But our intensity wasn't there against Edinburgh. We played well in fits and starts, but then we would drop off. Hopefully we have got it out of our system in this game and we can get back to what we do well."